
the QJ-Pro site

Release Notes



This section contains release notes for changes that have taken place since Version 2.1. References to "#12345" are to the Sourceforge bug database ticket number (if any).

Version 2.2.0 (21-05-2005)

New functionality
Ant integration
New rules(286, 287 and 288)
Eclipse plugin available through download site
Bug fixes
#1113619cli cannot determine home path
#1103537Inheritance depth
#1103533Rule 233
#1103526Rule 55: should handle comment and javadoc differently
#1077498File executable permissions are not stored in zips
#1076690FileNotFoundException when opening chk files in Eclipse
#1038482classpath problems in Eclipse
#1026900qjpro V2.1 does not analyze under 3.1M1
#1013928Launcher and spaces in the path
#1001671Eclipse integration on Linux
#990751JDeveloper integration does not work in JDeveloper 10g
#985593Project properties dialog size too small